Monday, December 14, 2015

I don't know if it works or not

But I'm trying. Some times you just need to choose being happy or sad, being more live or died. It should be simple. Because life has a simple structure. Suddenly you get born, you live some years with some people and you will die forever.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Whales and The Girl's Wales Hair

I need to be live again
I must help my self

Zero should gets back

Because she was a better one here, not hero but she was more lively one and more looking like her self.
These days she wants to get back to life. By not talking so much, but acting in new way. Things changed. She is not the last one she used to be. But the thing that is different now, is some thing inside her. Life is a unique experience. She wants to live it like she wouldn't regret it after 40 years later.